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Nature Society Series (Maharashtra Map)

Nature Society Series (Maharashtra Map)

Publisher: Eklavya
Author: Yemuna Sunny / येमुना सनी
Illustrator: Kanak Shashi | Art work by : Trripurari Singh/ कनक
ISBN: 978-93-87926-24-0
Binding: Paperback
Language: English
Pages: 16
Published: 2020
Regular price ₹ 80.00
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# Why this series of books?

All over the world we face challenges in the contexts of the environment and the well being of people and other life forms, these being the two sides of the same coin. The local and the global are also deeply intertwined as natural-  human systems.

Geography as an inquiry that is best equipped to look in to these interconnections, have unfortunately side-lined this vantage in education. Instead it fulfills the ideas of territories with national maps and inventories of natural and human- made resources within nations. It does not equip to engage with processes that make places and people, to formulate questions and to seek ways out. 

The above mentioned contexts have also been feeding in to maps-  maps that have been made for territorial expansions and wars are overwhelmingly used in education. Just as geographic thought needs to be reclaimed, maps need to be reconstructed for education. 

# Each book, on an Indian state/UT, is around 3500 words.The text is closely connected to an innovative map (scale 1 cm= 20 km) created through an amalgamation of cartography and art.

# The draft manuscripts and maps go through expert review and trials with students and are then modified, edited and designed for publishing. 
Hoping to see a wide usage of these small books, each with a big and appealing map. Please see details in the pictures below- the front and back covers.

This is NOT a text book. Anyone can read it, and  teachers, students, social scientists, educationists, geographers....Can use it.
Efforts are on to bring out a Marathi version too.

More books are on the way on more states...

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